Technical and emotional performance improvement through trainnings and lectures. Behavioral aspects researched by neuroscience and monitored with neurotechnology.
Superar is an emotional management excellence center with lectures, trainning classes and open air activities for personal and professional performance evolution, for short, medium and long-term interests.
Consisting on a multidisciplinar team leaded by Ruy Marra – an expert in Biopsychology, Neuroscience of Emotion and also a Free Flight World´s Recordist – Superar has been distinguished not only for its corporate work, but also for important high performance athletes qualification.
Ruy Marra, Superar founder, during TED Talent Search
The lectures, trainnings and open air activities participants learn brand new concepts and techniques for mind control development, so they can ensure a better physiological answer during hard physical and emotional pressure, while in a place full of intense changes and overload of information.
Our methodology has as its most important principle, the Affective Neuroscience research made by Ruy Marra over 10 years with more than 2.000 hang-gliding passengers. For these studies, Superar was awarded the Inovation Prize by the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro.
Superar professionals explore essential aspects for human evolution, but rarely used in the job market, just like neurophysiology and self-knowledge. Every single action is monitored by our Stress Management Software, wich enables cardiac frequency and variability trainning, contributing for mental and physiological control.
The lectures, trainnings and open air activities participants learn brand new concepts and techniques for mind control development, so they can ensure a better physiological answer during hard physical and emotional pressure, while in a place full of intense changes and overload of information.
Custom Lectures
“Corporate athletes” education, using concepts, techniques and open air activities, which allows high productivity.
Custom Trainnings
Focus, attention and performance development through a better mental and physiological control, monitored by neurotechnology.
or call +55 21 99982-5703